"It was so stupid!" had been thinking bout this before the trip. Why do we had to go to pulau ubin for 2D1N! i simply hate it:(
However, after the trip, it proved that im wrong! I didn't know that the trip to pulau ubin could be so fun and enjoyable. Although the place was not really clean and animals around scaring me to the max! lol! but i loved it:) there was so much fun tgt with the others! met new friends from this camp. However, if there was another chance of going to pulau ubin or other camping, i would prefer not!! hehe! Well, "I'm not an adventure person!" haha! I definitely love the 2nd day activity, rafting! was sitting in the middle doing nothing! haha! erm... maybe enjoying the clear water and site-seeing?! haha! Must thanks my others team-member for paddling the raft! hehe!
Would always remember the night, whereby our instructor asked me "what make me con't walking till the destination?" It seem like the fact that im not an adventurous person was obvious?! haha! "Because everyone was walking ahead of me, i could not rest and stop walking, as it would affect the whole team..." My answer was true! i felt motivated by them, im sure everyone was tired and hungry not excluding me. However, we could only hurry to get back to our campsite to get some rest and had our dinner.
Was too exhausted to prepare for our dinner, simply not doing anything at all during the dinner! OMG!! Thanks to my partner! Alice! One of the best cooks:) We had instant curry noodle, cans of curry chicken, cans of tunas, cans of sausages and loafs of breads. It was a fantasy night, everyone gathering around to enjoy dinner tgt!! haah!
Was intending to bath after the tiring day to wash away our tiredness! BUT! there was no water, most importantly no light, the toilet was whole black-out! We could only relied on the touchlights we brought! One of the biggest challenge for me! NO bathing, NO brushing teeth, NO washing of face as the water there was not useable. Everyone just change to dry cloth and when back to the tent and had our long-waiting activity, TO SLEEP! lol!
& our 2D1N end with cleaning and clearing up everything we brought to camp in school! an 1 hour of cleaning was also fun. there were so much team work just within this 2D1N trip! I LOVE IT!!! i love team work! i dun like to do something myself, i enjoying helping one another!
IN conclude!...